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praxis martin schmid

Psychologist | Counseling and Therapy | Mindfulness Training & Health Coaching


Systemic Counseling and Therapy 

Individual psychological counseling and therapy in crises and phases of change and development. In cases of stressful conflicts and decision-making questions. To promote new emotional and social skills and competencies


Health Coaching 

Mindfulness-based coaching for individual and mental health promotion. Among other things, we work with the question: "What maintains, motivates and promotes my health?"A methodological focus is on the insightful and supportive qualities of body mindfulness 


MBSR mindfulness courses 

Mindfulness as a leitmotif and basic attitude of my work. MBSR 8-week courses for groups and offers for organizations (occupational health management). Learn mindfulness and integrate it in everyday life / in the working world. 



The language of the body, the implicit knowledge and the effectiveness of inner images and (lived) personality parts. Out of the head - into the body - into change. Mindfulness-based counseling & therapy according to Prof. E. Gendlin.

health: today?

Today, the first concern with mental health often begins with acutely necessary stress management. Stress has far more destructive potential than is often admitted on a physiological and psychological level in everyday life. The limited vision and flexibility in experience and action leads, especially in the case of chronic stress, to disturbances in relationships (especially with the self), in performance at work and in education, and not least in general enjoyment and quality of life as a whole. Here, flexible and short-term effective treatment approaches are needed that combine stress reduction, orientation and, in a second step, personality development. All this is not only possible and a chance in times of crisis, but often as a learning task it cannot be realized in any other way (who voluntarily goes into the storm?). As a result, we can speak of the development of resilience or, according to Viktor Frankl, of the cultivated will to meaning. 



My concept for counseling and therapy is based on principles of emergency psychology and crisis intervention in connection with mindfulness-based, gestalt- or depth-psychological as well as hypnosystemic methods and approaches.

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self concept

Impulse giver and encourager for lived, embodied mindfulness and reliable self-care, with heart and mind. Calm in the Eye of the Storm. Designing with inner images and narratives - A compass and a wide canvas. Cognition Space. Living what really matters. In the now. Inviting pause, even and especially because it is difficult at the moment.



Recognizing, interrupting and balancing patterns and polarities. Values - from avoiding them to realizing them. Becoming whole.

New view - clear ship -   

In principle: Surprise


What it's about?

The concerns in counselling, therapy and coaching are diverse and like a mirror of our time. The challenging and stressful living conditions are never unthinkingly ignored in counseling and coaching, but integrated in terms of a movement towards more Mindfulness and an improved scope of action.


Strain and burnout prevention


How to live values & reduce their avoidance (ACT)


Self-Esteem and Self-Care


Emotional intelligence


Relationship and conflict

Martin understands it in a great way to convey mindfulness and to live it himself by being very curious, open and non-judgmental about every participant.

Andrea B (42)


"I think the search is the thing" (David Bowie)

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